![]() | DATA:TYPE: VERY HUMAN-LIKE CRYPTID AGE: HAS STATED TO BE 14, 15, 16, 17, ETC (IS TIMELESS) KNOWN SKILLS: CAN SMILE NO MATTER MOST CIRCUMSTANCES, ABLE TO BEND AND TRANSFORM OWN BODY AND PARTS TO CERTAIN DEGREES, DREAMWALKING, RUNNING ON ALL FOURS, DISPLAYED LEVELS OF REALITY DISTORTION, DARK MAGIC OTHER TITLES: DARK PRINCE, QUEEN OF SPADES (HOUSE RANKING STATUS), PROTAGONIST LIKES: DOLLS AND THINGS RESEMBLING HUMANS, MAKING FRIENDS DEAD AND ALIVE AND IMAGINARY AND SO ON, CAUSING CHAOS, SEBASTIAN DE TOMATO SMITH CHICKEN LEGS (PET), KNIVES, WATCHING AND SCARING PEOPLE, NEOPETS/PET SIMULATORS, NIGHT-TIME, EXPLORING THE LAND/HAUNTING PLACES, SLEEPING/DREAMING, DARK-MINDED ACTIVITIES, JESUS, NOSEBLEEDS, KATY PERRY, TIGHT SPACES, HORROR MOVIES DISLIKES: RUDE PERSONS, CONSTIPATION, BEING TRANSFORMED AGAINST HIS WILL, HOT WEATHER, SWIMMING, CODY (THE GUY WHO WORKS AT THE CONVENIENCE STORE AND ALSO IS THE CONVENIENCE STORE) DANGER LEVEL: VERY HIGH A young man who likes doing things no matter how pointless they are. Usually wears his standard clothing of black clothes with white collar (it's a white shirt underneath) and buttons (even while sleeping) and gloves. Can get very attached to different people and friends, usually with the receiving end wanting nothing to do with him. However the friendships never seems to last long, and is back to being seen with just his dolls besides the family he lives with (Same thing with some certain dolls never being seen again). He sleeps in a coffin most of the time, and it greatly speeds up his state of healing because of the limit of light that's inside of it. "Coffins are comfy."-Randal Because of his history of bad things and bad ends happening to those he interacts with, its best to avoid as much as possible or of becoming his next victim. He also tends to distort the truth and and what's real from what's not, since he enjoys causing chaos, so even these words might be distorted. In fact its not a bad thing to become his friend. ![]() POSSIBLE "FUTURE" GOALS: ![]() His relationship with his brother Luther is sometimes he wants to kill him, but to him violence is also a form of love sometimes; it is different from humans' relationship with violence and death, so to them it is just how it is. |